Sunday, June 1, 2014

Life Update + To: Kevin & Amanda

Where have I been? 

Whew! It's been a while! My week has been absolutely i n s a n e. I had my first exam in my summer course (rocked it, FYI), have been helping with a wedding (keep reading!), and have had several sick people on my hands! Kudos to my immune system for keeping me healthy. Both of my grandmothers, my mom, and my boyfriend have all had it bad! Sinuses, headaches, coughing, scratchy throats, achy bodies, you name it. On Friday morning, I spent about three and a half hours with my grandma at the ER. We went to her normal doctor for bronchitis symptoms and were sent to the ER because they didn't have the medicine for the treatment she needed to be given. You had one job, doctor's office.

It feels like I have had my hands messy in one thing at the exact moment when someone else has hollered for help with something else. But that's part of being a big girl and having responsibilities I guess - which I am thankful for. The Lord has really used that to minister to me this week. It's not really my time. Even though the things I have had on my plate are well and good, I'm also called to help others and be a servant like Jesus - not just when it's convenient for me. Working on that.

Also, my radio in my car decided not to work this week. If you don't think God has a sense of humor, haha let me tell ya. I ALWAYS have my radio playing. Loud. Part of it is really just how much I adore music, but the other part I think is that I use it as a little mental vacation in the short 20 minute drives here and there (or 40 minutes if I'm going to class). I couldn't do that this week. I was forced to sit there and drive listing to just my thoughts. 

So, back to God's is that funny, Emily? This past Sunday's sermon was on wisdom, looking at James 3:13-18. As Samuel and I drove home, we started talking about feeling antsy, without peace, and uncertain in situations and how those feelings relate to a poor prayer life.  James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God." That was a reminder I needed to hear. Am I asking God first for wisdom, or am I just turning up the radio to not have to think about it? For the first time this week I was thankful that the Lord gave me some quiet drives. They were time to pray for patience during this hectic week, time to thank Him for his mercy, and time to reflect on how I saw the Lord work in me or around me that day. The quiet wasn't so bad after all.   

Anyways... this post isn't all about me. It's about my sweet friends, Amanda and Kevin, who just got married! Ahhh! I have been somewhat involved with their wedding decor and coordinating. What a joy it has been! Below is a little letter to them and a sneeky peeky at the table decor that my mom and I worked on for their wedding. Disclaimer: I'm not a photographer and I don't play one on TV. 

I hope you enjoy!

Dear lovebirds,

You're finally married!

I distinctly remember standing in the fellowship hall at church with Amanda a little over a year ago, listening to her proposal story and admiring her ring. Her mouth couldn't help but curve into a massive smile as she dished to the group of ladies circled around her. (Sorry guys, it's a girl thing. We go ga-ga over those little chats.) 

Over the past year I have had the pleasure of sitting next to you guys pretty much every Sunday, tag-teaming in the balcony. First of all- you guys make a great team. I could always count on you in a technology fiascos or if I ever needed last minute help. This was special because I truly got to see you all work (but also cut up;) together. 

Also within this past year we were in a small group together. There's really not a better way to get to know people than by studying the Word together consistently. I have seen you all grow in the Lord individually and as a couple. I was so blessed by hearing your testimonies for the first time and the great fellowship I had to look forward to at small group with you guys.

I am so happy that the Lord led you two to each other! May you have many wonderful/happy/crazy/exciting/adventurous years together. 

Love y'all.
Our house was a war zone for a while. 

Table runners for days.

Under the big top.

This was not our creation, but it was beautiful (and yummy)!

My sister and I at the wedding!

Photo booths are a fantastic idea, y'all.

Weddings are the best. :)

xx. Em

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