Monday, June 23, 2014

Humility and Cake

I have been to a baby shower, a funeral, and a wedding all within the past seven days.

Talk about going from one extreme to the other. Full circle.

But no matter how different these gatherings may look on paper (or in the box of left over decorations), they all kind of remind me of the same things.

Prayer. "I'm praying for you" is probably only said a couple hundred times to people in each of these phases. Isn't that something? Think about what that says about Jesus. Whether it's a happy gathering or a sad gathering, these people are showered with prayer - and they are comforted by that fact! Thank you, Jesus! You became fully man. You know what it is like to experience true joy and true sorrow. I am so glad my Redeemer is the God of all comfort and is also the only one who can truly fill us with joy. 

Family. I don't know of anyone else who deserves a gold medal more than the families. You guys have a lot of c-r-a-p to put up with! Nobody takes the hit harder in these situations than you do. You guys are the ones the new parents call last minute when Baby is having a meltdown. You guys are the ones who have to make the tough decisions when someone you love isn't there to make them with you anymore. And I couldn't begin to think of all the things you do when putting together a wedding. High fives all around.

Humility. Nothing challenges your perspective on life quite like when you're about to start a new chapter. It's in these moments of change that it's helpful to examine our hearts too. Changes like a new baby, a loved one passing away, and getting married are major (I haven't even experienced 2 out of 3 and I can tell you that). But what's your end goal? If you think that finally having a family or finally being married will complete you and solve all of your problems, haha nope! Jesus wants your heart, your mind, and your soul. It is really humbling to realize that in the grand scheme of eternity it doesn't matter what flavor cake you have. What matters is that we make Jesus our Cornerstone. 

What's that saying? "The more you know, the less you know." I feel that way a lot as I get older.

But I'll tell ya, it is pretty exciting when the people you grew up with are getting married and having their own kids. Thumbs up for growing up.

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