Thursday, June 26, 2014

my tiny flower pot

I've never had a knack for growing flowers. I don't really ever think of them.

A few weeks ago, I was with a friend in Target (a.k.a. my happy place) and picked up one of those little flower kits from the dollar section.

I planted them in the tiny plastic pot that comes with the kit, and sat them in my front room where I knew they could get some sun.

I have been way too excited to check my sunflowers every morning. It has kind of surprised me. This little kit is perfect, easy, and it's helping me think of flowers more. And it's quite enjoyable.

I'm sad to leave my little guys over the next week while I'm on vacation. But I can't wait to see how big they are when I get back! (That is, if my family doesn't mind flower-siting.)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Humility and Cake

I have been to a baby shower, a funeral, and a wedding all within the past seven days.

Talk about going from one extreme to the other. Full circle.

But no matter how different these gatherings may look on paper (or in the box of left over decorations), they all kind of remind me of the same things.

Prayer. "I'm praying for you" is probably only said a couple hundred times to people in each of these phases. Isn't that something? Think about what that says about Jesus. Whether it's a happy gathering or a sad gathering, these people are showered with prayer - and they are comforted by that fact! Thank you, Jesus! You became fully man. You know what it is like to experience true joy and true sorrow. I am so glad my Redeemer is the God of all comfort and is also the only one who can truly fill us with joy. 

Family. I don't know of anyone else who deserves a gold medal more than the families. You guys have a lot of c-r-a-p to put up with! Nobody takes the hit harder in these situations than you do. You guys are the ones the new parents call last minute when Baby is having a meltdown. You guys are the ones who have to make the tough decisions when someone you love isn't there to make them with you anymore. And I couldn't begin to think of all the things you do when putting together a wedding. High fives all around.

Humility. Nothing challenges your perspective on life quite like when you're about to start a new chapter. It's in these moments of change that it's helpful to examine our hearts too. Changes like a new baby, a loved one passing away, and getting married are major (I haven't even experienced 2 out of 3 and I can tell you that). But what's your end goal? If you think that finally having a family or finally being married will complete you and solve all of your problems, haha nope! Jesus wants your heart, your mind, and your soul. It is really humbling to realize that in the grand scheme of eternity it doesn't matter what flavor cake you have. What matters is that we make Jesus our Cornerstone. 

What's that saying? "The more you know, the less you know." I feel that way a lot as I get older.

But I'll tell ya, it is pretty exciting when the people you grew up with are getting married and having their own kids. Thumbs up for growing up.

Monday, June 16, 2014

First Half of June + Upcoming Excitement

June has been an exciting month so far and it's only going to get more exciting! Let me tell ya 'bout it.

I saw my friends.
This month started off with a spontaneous trip to Lexington for my friend's 20th birthday! She and I are going on 6 years of friendship (4 as really close friends). I also got to reconnect with some friends from church and meet their new (to me) 6th month old baby!

College is a time of much socializing, true. But it takes a lot of effort to keep up with high school/childhood friends when everyone reaches this phase and is going in twenty different directions. I'm learning that sometimes quantity isn't as important as quality. Genuine little chats every once in a while are so so helpful and necessary to keep up friendships that you know will last forever. That's the important thing.

There is ALWAYS going to be initial guilt/awkward feeling when reconnecting with old friends. Part of that is unavoidable because not knowing what's been going on in a person's life that you consider a close pal can make you feel just a little like a bad friend (which isn't true). The bigger part of that feeling is that you (I mean, me) are just being silly and ridiculous. Ha! Don't let yourself think that because you haven't talked to a friend in a while they must hate you forever. Come on. Life simply starts looking different when you're growing up (as it should) and you just have to feel out new ways to adjust. So get over your silly fit, text them that one goofy-faced emoji, and coordinate a time to go hop on their couch and start making fun of each other like you used to. You will be oh so glad you did (and totally not remember what you were so worked up about in the first place).

So what happened last week? We're going to skip over that for a moment and fast forward to what's coming the last two weeks of June cause I'm pretty stinkin' excited. I'll give you a hint - both of them have the word "vacation" in it. 

VBS is coming.
The last full week of June (the week of the 23rd) is going to be a B L A S T. I am going to be leading the music for Hopewell's Wilderness Escape VBS! This will be my third year working in music ministry for Vacation Bible School and it honestly gets better every year. There is nothing quite like getting all themed-out for VBS and having the songs stuck in your head 24/7 for weeks after. Nothing.

I am SO pumped about the songs the kids will be learning this year. One of them has already blessed me so much! It's called Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (or Redeemer). Heard it before? This song caught my attention listening through the CD when I first got it and I later realized it was an old hymn. I couldn't believe I didn't know it. Apparently it was even sung at the Royal Wedding! The only versions out there are either really old sounding or instrumental (however, there is one by Indelible Grace Music that's okay!). I think Samuel and I need to learn it and record our own. Maybe we can work that out. :)

Do you know anyone else who has recorded this song? Please send it to me if you do! I LOVE the version that is meant for VBS actually, haha, but if there's another recording I would love to know about it so that it can find a home on my iPod.  
Do YOU know/love this song?  I want to know! Here's the one from our curriculum for this year. It's only a 30 second clip, but, ahhh! Don't you love it already?
Did you say vacation? 
YES. Guys. I get to go on vacation for the very first time with my boyfriend and his family to CAPE COD (which I have never been to!!!). I am screaming with excitement on the inside. Rebecca's boyfriend's family, who lives in Massachusetts, has invited us to stay at their house on the Cape for a week! We are going to spend time with the Macketanskys, a few days on the Cape, and possibly visit Boston too! From what I hear, it sounds like there is going to be a lot of beach games, tie dying, 2 birthday celebrations, and a plethora of movie nights. And ice cream, I think. So basically, it's gon' be an awesome week. I am looking forward to the car ride almost (almost) more than the beach. Is that weird? It's true. I will probably be sore from laughing so much after spending 14+ hours in the car with the James family. I definitely plan on sharing pictures with you when I get back and a video from our week. And hopefully I'll come back refreshed, tan, thankful, and with some good stories. ;) 

One more thing.
I should probably mention that the final for my summer class is Monday, June 23rd, too. Seriously a crazy week! I am amazed at how FAST this class has flown and how relieved I am to have it out of the way. All the more reason I am excited to have VBS and my own vacation post-summer class to celebrate the end of general education courses.  The fall will be a whole new journey as I enter the School of Education! 

Back to last week.
Last week was filled with a lot of running around and errands. I took this week as a practice run for the "vlogs" (video-logs) I want to make for 1) VBS and 2) my vacation with the James family.  ;) You can check out my week in the video below to follow me around and see what all I did last week. iMovie is like a monster of its own, so I'm still learning the ropes. Like I said, this was just a practice so that I don't waste footage for the other two events I want to document, but I really enjoyed putting it together! 

If you made it through this post, you win ( thanks;). I just felt like you needed a good updating, plus I was so excited to share my upcoming excitement with you!  

Yay for summer and all of the many activities it holds!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

DIY Frame Photo Hanger

This is the EASIEST way to display your photos and add something fun to your walls. You have probably seen this on Pinterest. Guilty. I almost feel like I'm cheating making this a DIY for you because it really is just that simple.

This is one of my favorite DIYs and I just love looking at everyday in my room. The best part about it is its versatility. You can always change out what you have in there. Through any phase of life, it can display what is most important to you at the time - photographs, cards, tickets, invitations, anything! 

I made mine over a year ago (still love it), but this week Rachel and her friend wanted to make one of their own. So here's how we did it.

The stuff you'll need:

  • Frame (Goodwill/Antique store, both of these frames were $5.25 from Goodwill)
  • Spray Paint
  • Twine
  • Mini Clothes Pins
  • Staple Gun
  • Scissors
  • Wire Cutters (May not be necessary)

Step 1
Remove and discard the backing, the picture inside, and the glass. You will not be needing them. 

You will want to remove the wire that's already on the back of the frame if there is one. 

The frames that we used had some wire clasps holding the cardboard and glass in place against the frame. We had to use the wire cutters to bend those back so that the stuff would come out. You don't need to worry about removing or cutting these out, after the frame is painted they will barely be noticeable!

It should be totally see through when you're done - no picture, no glass, no strings/wire.

Step 2
Begin spray painting your frame (preferably outdoors)! 

You don't need to paint the back side of your frame because you won't be seeing it. But it would be good to make sure the inner rim of the frame gets covered because you will be able to see that from some angles (and it will help to hide the wire clasps/hooks if your frame has them). 


        *** THAT'S WHAT WE DID.:)***

Step 3
Measure out your twine. Leave a few inches on each side beyond the edge of the frame in order to leave a little slack in the line and to make sure it is stapled well. Any excess can be cut off after it's stapled.

Step 4
Lay the (dry) frame upside down on a flat, sturdy surface with the backside facing up. You can use a table, work bench, or (like us) the top of your garbage/recycle bins. It looks best to staple the twine to the back of the frame, so draw out the twine and staple it. 

Wrap the twine around the staple before you press it down to really hold it in place.
We stapled two strings to create two "rows."

Step 5
Make it your own! Add the mini clothes pins (which you can even paint if you want!) to hang pictures, tickets, love notes, memorabilia, whatever you like! This is how mine looked at Christmas. 

This simple and functional DIY will be one that you will always use. Let me know how yours turns out!

xx. Em

Monday, June 9, 2014

Exam Day {Music Monday}

Part of me always tries (pretends to try) to wake up early on the day of a test to look over my notes one last time. That never seems to pan out even if I try really hard. I don't consider myself a pessimist, but I've learned that if anything is going to go wrong it will happen on an exam day and that's a fact. But it may be for good reason that I never do end up fitting in that last minute cram session.

My public speaking professor once told my class that, rather than spending 20 more minutes flurrying over your notes, you should just take the morning off from studying. What's already in your brain will stay, and it's probably too late to have anything else really stick. 

With that being said, what I do end up doing on exam days has proven to be more helpful I think. 

I don't get out my study guide. I don't flip through my flashcards. I don't even mentally quiz myself.

M u s i c on my drive. When I come to class and the professor passes out the Scantron, I have a fresh mind. My mood is calm instead of anxious. Singing loud has helped to wake me up and keep me alert. It's better than coffee, y'all.

So, in honor of completing my second exam (one more to go!) in G107 today AND it being Music Monday, here's what got me through the morning. This song features my best friend from high school's older sister, Liz Navarra, and she is amazing! Grab it on iTunes here. Do it.

What music have you been loving?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

DIY Animal Jewelry Holder

I have so many things that I have literally no idea where to put. Tell me I'm not the only one who has this problem.

This DIY screams, "Hey, I will help you keep track of your things!" (Well it doesn't actually say that, but if it could talk I think it might.)

You can use this jewelry holder to hold your keys, bobby pins (if you can actually accumulate them all in one place for long enough, good luck with that), other random junk, nail polish, chapstick, or if you're feeling literal - jewelry. 

I have a feeling it is about to become the new home for my keys. In all seriousness, I lose my keys just about every morning before I walk out the door. 

Materials needed for this DIY:
Clay Saucer (Micheal's, $0.89)
Animal Figure (Micheal's, $1.99)
Hot Glue Gun 
Spray Paint

To see how to make this Animal Jewelry Holder, watch the video tutorial below!

Happy crafting!
xx. Em

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

May Favorites

HOW is it June already?? Almost half of the year is behind us. Stahp, life. Just slow down. 

I am starting a new series for my blog - Monthly Favorites! I'm not going to promise these will come every month because let's be honest. I won't always be buying new and noteworthy things each month #poorcollegestudentlife. BUT when I have things that y'all need to know about, this is where I will tell you!

So here's what I was loving in May!

Greek Yogurt

Oh my, greek yogurt. If you had asked me a few months ago if I liked greek yogurt I would have wrinkled my nose at you big time. I would have said it tastes bitter, chalky, and don't get me started on the texture. This month I ate it several times and loved it! For one thing, don't buy plain greek yogurt - that was my first mistake. For you texture people, I found that putting a grape in each bite works wonders! I know, it's a little weird, but trust me. The sweetness and crunch of a grape really made a difference. 

B&BW Body Wash: Beautiful Day

Let's just lay this out on the table: I could spend hours and all of my money in this store. This. Smells. So Yummy. It was actually a Christmas present and it's already totally gone! The bottle says it smells like "sun kissed apple, sparkling cassis, and wild daisies brightened by fresh pink peony and creamy musk." So there ya go. 

Covergirl 3 in 1 Foundation

Finding a good make-up can be tough! Can I get an amen from all you girls out there with oily skin? This make-up acts like a primer, concealer and a foundation at the same time (hence the "3 in 1" name). It's around $10 at all drug stores, and it's totally worth it. I have repurchased it several times and haven't been able to find a better drug store option. And yes, that lid is extremely dirty, I'm aware. Fair warning, the way the pump touches the lid pretty much gets it messy every time. Still, it's the best drug store foundations I have found!

Ghost Stories, Coldplay

Holy smokes. I have missed you, Coldplay. This album shows the heart of what Coldplay truly does best. After their slightly different last album, Mylo Xyloto, it was refreshing to hear the Coldplay I first fell in love with. Some favorites of mine from the album are "Ink," "True Love," "Magic," and "A Sky Full of Stars." 

Not Your Mother's Dry Shampoo

No, that's really what it's called. and DRY SHAMPOO, omg. I have never been brave enough to try it before this month. Turns out I am a huge fan! This dry shampoo doesn't have the best smell, but I have definitely been converted. I was a wash-my-hair-every-day kinda girl, but no longer. I will probably not repurchase this one in order to find a brand that smells better though. Do you use dry shampoo? What's your favorite? I'm a newbie!

B&BW Candle: Watermelon Lemonade

Yum yum yum yum yum. I would pick fruity smells over flowery ones any day. This candle is Summer in a jar. The lemonade is a refreshing balance to the fruitiness of the watermelon scent so that it's not overpowering. Just good.

Julep Nail Polish

I know you're thinking, "EMILY. That stuff is 'spensive." Yes, regular prices are about $14 a bottle. Erm no. BUT if you sign up to become a member to receive monthly boxes, you get your first box free! A free box comes with 3 polishes and you only have to pay shipping ($2.99). After I received my box I cancelled my subscription. The polish itself goes on nice and milky, but I haven't noticed exceptional staying power. It still chipped. However, getting to sample high end things for free is well worth it.

Wallflower Design Co. Case - Taste of Summer

I love this company soso much. She's a high school girl who loves Jesus and is living her creative dream making phone cases with her handmade artwork on them. Heck yeah, I want to support that! Her cases are always adorable and her customer service is exceptional (she frequently offers discount codes on Instagram/Twitter - so watch for those!). This is actually the third case from Wallflower that I have purchased. Check out this case (and this company) here!

C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve
I have awful cuticles and this helped them tremendously this month! Every night before bed I rub this into my cuticles and in the morning they look ten times better. It can be used anywhere on your skin though. Sometimes I use it on my lips as well. The smell of rose is light and it has a heavier vanilla scent. Like I said, I don't love flowery smells, but something about this scent is really relaxing! You can grab this for $5.50 at Bath and Body Works!

I hope you have discovered something new to check out or finally found something you had been searching for!

What were you loving this month?  Be sure to let me know!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Life Update + To: Kevin & Amanda

Where have I been? 

Whew! It's been a while! My week has been absolutely i n s a n e. I had my first exam in my summer course (rocked it, FYI), have been helping with a wedding (keep reading!), and have had several sick people on my hands! Kudos to my immune system for keeping me healthy. Both of my grandmothers, my mom, and my boyfriend have all had it bad! Sinuses, headaches, coughing, scratchy throats, achy bodies, you name it. On Friday morning, I spent about three and a half hours with my grandma at the ER. We went to her normal doctor for bronchitis symptoms and were sent to the ER because they didn't have the medicine for the treatment she needed to be given. You had one job, doctor's office.

It feels like I have had my hands messy in one thing at the exact moment when someone else has hollered for help with something else. But that's part of being a big girl and having responsibilities I guess - which I am thankful for. The Lord has really used that to minister to me this week. It's not really my time. Even though the things I have had on my plate are well and good, I'm also called to help others and be a servant like Jesus - not just when it's convenient for me. Working on that.

Also, my radio in my car decided not to work this week. If you don't think God has a sense of humor, haha let me tell ya. I ALWAYS have my radio playing. Loud. Part of it is really just how much I adore music, but the other part I think is that I use it as a little mental vacation in the short 20 minute drives here and there (or 40 minutes if I'm going to class). I couldn't do that this week. I was forced to sit there and drive listing to just my thoughts. 

So, back to God's is that funny, Emily? This past Sunday's sermon was on wisdom, looking at James 3:13-18. As Samuel and I drove home, we started talking about feeling antsy, without peace, and uncertain in situations and how those feelings relate to a poor prayer life.  James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God." That was a reminder I needed to hear. Am I asking God first for wisdom, or am I just turning up the radio to not have to think about it? For the first time this week I was thankful that the Lord gave me some quiet drives. They were time to pray for patience during this hectic week, time to thank Him for his mercy, and time to reflect on how I saw the Lord work in me or around me that day. The quiet wasn't so bad after all.   

Anyways... this post isn't all about me. It's about my sweet friends, Amanda and Kevin, who just got married! Ahhh! I have been somewhat involved with their wedding decor and coordinating. What a joy it has been! Below is a little letter to them and a sneeky peeky at the table decor that my mom and I worked on for their wedding. Disclaimer: I'm not a photographer and I don't play one on TV. 

I hope you enjoy!

Dear lovebirds,

You're finally married!

I distinctly remember standing in the fellowship hall at church with Amanda a little over a year ago, listening to her proposal story and admiring her ring. Her mouth couldn't help but curve into a massive smile as she dished to the group of ladies circled around her. (Sorry guys, it's a girl thing. We go ga-ga over those little chats.) 

Over the past year I have had the pleasure of sitting next to you guys pretty much every Sunday, tag-teaming in the balcony. First of all- you guys make a great team. I could always count on you in a technology fiascos or if I ever needed last minute help. This was special because I truly got to see you all work (but also cut up;) together. 

Also within this past year we were in a small group together. There's really not a better way to get to know people than by studying the Word together consistently. I have seen you all grow in the Lord individually and as a couple. I was so blessed by hearing your testimonies for the first time and the great fellowship I had to look forward to at small group with you guys.

I am so happy that the Lord led you two to each other! May you have many wonderful/happy/crazy/exciting/adventurous years together. 

Love y'all.
Our house was a war zone for a while. 

Table runners for days.

Under the big top.

This was not our creation, but it was beautiful (and yummy)!

My sister and I at the wedding!

Photo booths are a fantastic idea, y'all.

Weddings are the best. :)

xx. Em

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