Wednesday, July 26, 2017


I'm going to have a one year old come August 4th. What?! Not possible.

This post is allll about our favorite books throughout Charlie's first year. The books that I basically have memorized now. The books that I know exactly which page he will crack up at. The books that he never pushes away (he can totally communicate which books he does not want to read, let me tell you). The books that have sweet stories and beautiful illustrations.

Charlie loves reading right now. He loves to read before naps and at bedtime. He loves to wander into his room and sit next to his book box, throwing books out, flipping through a couple, and then tossing some back in. He loves to "read" in the rocking chair and in the car. And he can be kinda picky!

But I need to share this picture before we get into the book titles because 1) THAT HAIR. At what point do I know if I'm emotionally ready for his first hair cut or not?? 2) He's reading one of MY favorite books as a child that I distinctly remember my parents reading to me over and over, Go, Dog. Go! And 3) look at those perfect page-flipping thumbs. I was super impressed he mastered this at only 11 months old. Maybe he has books in his genes. After all, his daddy works in books. Books just might be his job one day. ;)

Okay, let's get into it. These are our top 5 favorite books from year one:

1. The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen 
Without a doubt, this is Charlie's number one favorite book! He L O V E S this board book. I think it's a combination of the colorful underwater pictures and the repetition of the words that he just eats up. He never says no to this one and always greets it with a happy sound when we pick it up! There's one page in here where the fish is really big and has a very happy/friendly face (I won't ruin the ending for you haha) and that is his favorite page. This has been one of our go-to before bed books.

2. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" by Eric Carle 

I found a giant board book copy of this classic at Halfprice Books when Charlie was a few months old and in the last 3 months it's been one of his favorites. We kept this one in the car for him to flip through as we drove for a while and he really enjoyed that. It's GIANT and I think that's one of the biggest reasons he loves this one. Pictured to the left is his favorite page. He forms his little mouth into a perfect circle and says, "oooooh" everytime. I started taking his pointer finger and counting the children and now he gets it ready for me as soon as we arrive at this page! The illustrations and vibrant colors in this book are perfect for little babies. And it's a perfect book to teach your baby some animal names and colors!

3. Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton 

This is a repetitive song-type book that's easy make really fun. Think square-dancing! Bounce them on your knee, or make it into your own little tune, and your kiddo will go crazy for this one. An older woman from church recommended this one at our first baby shower so I knew I had to pick it up when I found it at Halfprice Books (are you sensing a theme in where I have had a lot of luck finding good books?). It never disappoints for a fun read! 

4. Charlie Goes Camping by Carrie Weston
I have a sweet friend from college who, the last 2 or 3 times I've seen her, has given me several "Charlie" books she's found. She's a teacher, so she's always hitting up Goodwill and thrift stores for books and she has found some gems! This is one of them and it is PERFECT because, as some of you may know, I grew up camping with my family. And we actually call him "Charlie Bear" as a nickname! The pictures are gorgeous and bright. The story is sweet and encourages being a helpful friend. It's a keeper.

5. Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Storybook Rhymes

This was one of Charlie's first Christmas presents from Mommy and Daddy and he has so enjoyed it! It sings the rhyme when you flip to the next page and when you press the buttons, they point out letters, shapes, and count items on each of the pages. It's clever, I find myself singing these songs almost daily, and it's a great beginner book for teaching babies the techniques of handling books/flipping pages. Ours has been well loved. 

I would love to know some of your favorite books! What books have your babies and toddlers loved reading over and over? Which ones give you all the feels or make you giggle? I'm always in the market for new children's books. Please share your favorites and suggestions in the comments! :)

Saturday, July 22, 2017


If you didn't already know, we moved this month! We've been residents of Wheaton, Illinois for almost 4 weeks now and are down to like...3 boxes unpacked? That's not bad if you ask me. ;)

Moving is H A R D work. This was my first big move ever (let alone to a new state). Two days before the moving truck was scheduled to arrive, my 80 year old Mamaw came over to help with (what I thought was) the final boxings. Heh. Let's just say she was NOT convinced we were going to be ready to move and she kicked out butts into high gear. Don't underestimate her, y'all. We really needed her help that day.

The moving day itself didn't go without a few hiccups, of course. Let's see....first the moving truck showed up a day EARLY. They came back again on the right day and all was well, but then we ended up leaving at a different time than we expected which made things a little hairy for a minute, but we were glad we left when we did.

We pulled out of Louisville, Kentucky around 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 29 with 3 cars caravaning and my in-laws along for the adventure. It's a 5 hour drive without stopping, but 6 hours is more realistic especially with a baby. But the drive that night took 7 hours. It was probably the worst trip we have ever made up here to be honest haha. It was 1) getting dark,  and 2) we drove through a heavy thunderstorm which slowed us down pretty significantly in the middle of the night. My husband had the wonderful idea of getting a hotel for the first night in town so that we wouldn't show up to an empty apartment at 2 a.m. and it was suchhhh a blessing to have showers and comfy beds after the long drive. At 7 a.m. that same morning, Samuel met our landlord and the movers at our apartment and we were officially moving in!

We were so thankful for Samuel's parents who drove with us and helped us get the place livable that first weekend. I don't even want to imagine what it would have been like without them. They even made a quick trip with us over to IKEA (which is only 20 minutes away *cue hallelujah chorus*) to buy our new living room furniture, and THEN helped put it together. Like I said, it was a tremendous help to not do this alone.

Here are some highlights from our first month in pictures:

Our new neighborhood 

Charlie's first parade on the Fourth of July!

Deciding which IKEA couch he liked best.

Checking out once of the many parks in our town.
There are only 23 different playgrounds in the Wheaton Park District. So fun!

Looking into our little backyard. :)

Adams Park, right behind the library

Classic car show on Friday nights in the summer

Backyard playtime!

Don't mind that roughed up coffee table - it's my next big project. :)

90% of why I love this little condo: this big sliding door in the kitchen/dining room. If you knew my last kitchen, you will understand my excitement. 

 Geneva, IL 

Geneva Air Fair

Way to go if you made it to the end of this long post! We miss Louisville, but we are enjoying our new adventure here too. We are even coming back for a visit at the first of August because CHARLIE IS TURNING ONE. We're so looking forward to that!

Thank you all for the help, prayers, and FaceTime calls in the last little bit. We are giving so much thanks to the Lord for His gracious hand in it all. Praise the Lord for his good gifts!
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