Monday, June 9, 2014

Exam Day {Music Monday}

Part of me always tries (pretends to try) to wake up early on the day of a test to look over my notes one last time. That never seems to pan out even if I try really hard. I don't consider myself a pessimist, but I've learned that if anything is going to go wrong it will happen on an exam day and that's a fact. But it may be for good reason that I never do end up fitting in that last minute cram session.

My public speaking professor once told my class that, rather than spending 20 more minutes flurrying over your notes, you should just take the morning off from studying. What's already in your brain will stay, and it's probably too late to have anything else really stick. 

With that being said, what I do end up doing on exam days has proven to be more helpful I think. 

I don't get out my study guide. I don't flip through my flashcards. I don't even mentally quiz myself.

M u s i c on my drive. When I come to class and the professor passes out the Scantron, I have a fresh mind. My mood is calm instead of anxious. Singing loud has helped to wake me up and keep me alert. It's better than coffee, y'all.

So, in honor of completing my second exam (one more to go!) in G107 today AND it being Music Monday, here's what got me through the morning. This song features my best friend from high school's older sister, Liz Navarra, and she is amazing! Grab it on iTunes here. Do it.

What music have you been loving?

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