Sunday, August 17, 2014

recipe: fruit pizza & cream cheese frosting + cliff jumping

Some things you just can't go wrong with. Pizza is one of them. Am I right or am I right?

And a FRUIT pizza is no exception.  I made this for my birthday at Rough River on Saturday! It's super duper easy to make. It has a chocolate chip cookie as the "crust," homemade cream cheese frosting, and a beautiful display of all of your favorite fruits. If you're like me, you'll also need like a gallon of milk to go along with it. 

The only baking that you have to do is the cookie crust. As simple as that. I cheated a little and used pre-made cookie roll but shh don't tell. Start by flattening it out onto a greased cookie sheet or pizza pan and bake according to the directions.

Once the cookie has cooled, spread the cream cheese frosting on top and decorate with your favorite fruit toppings. I chose strawberries, grapes, bananas, and mandarin oranges. It was delicious!

Here's how I made the frosting! (The best part in my opinion.) FYI - This recipe makes quite a lot. I only used half of it on the pizza. Adjust accordingly....or not and keep the rest in your fridge with a spoon close by. Just sayin'. 

Homemade Cream Cheese Frosting 
2 pkg cream cheese
1/4 c milk
1 stick unsalted butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 c powdered sugar

Soften cream cheese and melt butter.
Add cream cheese, butter, milk, vanilla extract and mix together.
Pour in half of powdered sugar, mix.
Add remaining powdered sugar and mix until perfectly creamy!

Here are some pictures from my birthday at the lake! We jumped off of a cliff,  y'all. 

Before the jump!

We ended up jumping closer to that log. Ahh!

We jumped!

This one was just so cute, I had to post it.

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