Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Little Ruthie girl is one month old! It's been such a sweet first month getting to know our girl. She's such a relaxed baby - and being second time parents has made us more relaxed too. I shared Charlie's birth story when he was born (you can read it here and here), so I am excited to also share hers with you. It's so fun to jot these memories down while they are fresh. And if any of you are planning to be induced or curious about what my first induction experience was like, I hope our story will be helpful!

Overall, Ruthie's arrival was so much smoother than Charlie's. Just to remind my friends of some of the slightly traumatic events in his birth, Charlie had a bowel movement in utero, had to go to the nursery to be observed because of all the meconium he inhaled, and the first time we got to hold him was 5 looong hours later. It broke my heart to not be able to hold and see him right after delivery. It was a little bit of a rough start on us all.

Ruthie's birth was pretty different. The only thing they had in common was that they were both late!  We asked my mom if she would come up on the Saturday before Ruthie's due date (she was due Feb. 20th), so that she would be here to watch Charlie when I went into labor. We were crossing our fingers that Ruthie would not come early - or at least not before my mom arrived in town on the 16th. Praise the Lord, that prayer was answered. But then my mom ended up being here for a whole WEEK and little girl still had not made her arrival on her own. My due date came and went. 

I had always heard that the doctors are usually pretty middle ground when it comes to "predicting" when their patients will go into labor. But this time around mine weren't. Because of how quickly I progressed from week 37 to week 38, going from 0 cm to 3 cm dilated, they were all telling me not to expect to make it to my due date. I really let that get into my head, yall. I should not have listened to their "predictions" as much as I did! Ruthie did not come early. She was late just like her brother. 

So at my 40 week appointment on her due date, the one I was not even expecting to have to go to, we had a decision to make. This was the predicament: My dad and sister would be arriving the next day and were planning to stay with my mom through the weekend before they would all have to head back home to Kentucky. It was such an emotional roller coaster to have been preparing to go into labor for basically two whole weeks leading up to my due date, and then to suddenly have to be highly considering being induced so that my family would get to meet her and be able to watch Charlie. 

It was a big call to make. I was not really thrilled at the thought of being induced since I had a natural labor previously. Now, my whole experience would be different then last time. I would have to check into the hospital before I was in labor, not be allowed to eat for hours on end, without any no clue as to how my body would respond to the pitocin. The more Samuel and I discussed it, the pros highly outweighed the cons when it came down to it. We felt like it was the best decision given the circumstance of having family in town and ready to help. It was going to be so relieving to know that they would be with our boy at home while we were in labor at the hospital. Now that didn't mean I didn't keep praying to go into labor on my own for the next two days. ;) But I knew God would be sovereign either way.

When my dad and sister got into town Thursday night, we ate a huge meal at Cracker Barrel, and went home eagerly anticipating my induction the next morning.

I N D U C T I O N   D A Y was finally here! I was supposed to be at the hospital at 8 am on Friday morning, unless they called to say otherwise. Around 6:45 am I got a phone call from the hospital saying they were currently having several deliveries and they would let me know in about 2 hours if they were ready for me then. I was a little bummed, but at least I would get to have breakfast with Charlie and the family one more time. Less than two hours later, though, the hospital called back to say they were ready for us! We were so surprised to get an earlier call than expected. We scrambled to finish packing, I kissed my big boy goodbye, and on to meet our girl we went. 

We got to the hospital at 10 am. When they checked to see my dilation at the hospital, they actually could not tell! Weirdly enough, I had apparently been having lots of braxton hicks without realizing which had caused my cervix to move behind her head, so they weren't going to be able to check how far along I was until I was further in labor. As of 38 weeks, I was 3 cm and 80% effaced so that was good enough knowledge for my doctor to not need additional medication to the pitocin. By 11:30 am they had started the pitocin!

Around 1 or 2 in the afternoon I finally started to feel some little tiny contractions. They were really manageable at this point. I spent a lot of time bouncing on the exercise ball, romantically walking the hallway in my hospital attire with my sweet husband (ha), and generally staying on my feet so that my labor would keep progressing. The weirdest hiccup of the day was that my IV was giving me some trouble. It had to be redone by an IV specialist (thanks to my teeny tiny veins) and I actually had to be off the pitocin for about an hour while they were adjusting my new IV. I was hoping that this little break wouldn't set my labor back too much, and thankfully it didn't seem to.

By about 5 pm things were really kicking up a notch. I was 6 cm dilated and having regular, strong contractions. At 6 pm I was ready for my epidural. Ahh, the epidural...the blessed, long awaited for epidural. I loved my epidural when I had Charlie. It was perfect. Changed me into a completely different woman. Stoped my shaking from the labor. Gave me a chance to close my eyes for a bit before pushing. 

But not this one, yall. 

This one was not 100% effective and I was B U M M E D. There was an area on the front of my right leg and right side of my lower back where it did not work at all. I still had to breathe through most of my contractions. All you people who do labor without the epidural, I tip my hat to you even more now!

At 9:30 pm labor was going strong. The nurse popped in to say that she would be back around 10 pm to check my dilation again, but to let her know if anything changed. It was 9:50 pm and I started to really feel pressure, so I told the nurse she had better come in now. And, thankfully, we were finally at 10 cm and ready to start pushing!

This is where her birth story turns rapid speed. The nurse wanted me to give her a good practice push before she called the doctor in. So, I took a deep breath, gave a good push, and about halfway through it the nurse said, "Okay, stop!" She hurried over to the phone and told the doctor he needed to get there now- this baby was ready to get  o u t . 

After less than 10 minutes of pushing, Ruth Caroline made her way into the world at 10:10 pm. I remember one of the nurses during delivery saying, "Oh this baby is going to just deliver herself!" It was so quick. She came out screaming mad and shocked Samuel and I with her head full of dark brown hair!

We finally got to do kangaroo care like every new momma looks forward to right after her delivery. It was such a relief to get to hold her, healthy and screaming loud, so quickly. It was a 12 hour day from check in to delivery and I was so thankful she was finally here in my arms.  

Ruth Caroline James
February 22, 2019
7 lbs 6 oz
20 inches long

As much as I would have hoped to go into labor on my own again, I am really glad we decided to induce. A burden was lifted from us about making sure family was here when she arrived. The first half of the day started off kinda slow, but once true labor started things went pretty quickly. I had heard that pitocin labor pains were "worse" than natural contractions, but I don't know if I would agree with that. I think they are both pretty mean LOL. But come on, when the result is that precious little squishy face up there landing in your arms? It's worth it. So worth it. 

We love you, little Ruthie. Thank you, Jesus, for her life.


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