It's a boy! |
Samuel and I decided to find out at the doctor's office during our 20 week anatomy ultrasound rather than be surprised at the party. Why? Well, I just wanted to know what I was looking at during the ultrasound. You're also listening to the girl who used to cry at her own birthday parties when everyone watched me open the idea of finding out what the gender of our baby was in front of 20+ people was kind of overwhelming. But we did end up having a gender reveal party in order to share the news with our family together - best of both worlds!

The reveal party was a blast. My mom did such a fantastic job hosting (way to go, Mom). We had pink lemonade and blue punch to drink, all kinds of snacks, a guessing game with a little prize, a reveal with balloons in a box, and (blue) cake to eat after the reveal.
This week we are hitting the 6 month mark at 24 weeks!
Movement: Basically everyday! (Sometimes in response to the radio being turned up!)
Sleep: Sleeping well right now, praise the Lord! Having to go to the bathroom at night doesn't bother me too much, either.
Husband: has felt the baby kick. But sometimes he quits kicking right when I say, "ok now!" He must not like to preform ;)
Baby Stats: Length is about 12 inches, the size of an ear of corn. Weight is about 1 1/3 lb.
Cravings: Macaroni and cheese, chocolate ice cream, hamburger with pickles
Mood: Up and down. Generally happy and up for most things but some days I'm like nope 🙅🏼
I Miss: My morning coffee
Favorite Time of Day: Shower time. By far. I usually hate getting in the shower just because it disrupts whatever I'm doing, but it is totally relaxing and very anticipated right now.
This Tuesday is my next doctor's appointment. Little Boy got stubborn during the ultrasound and there were a couple more things she needed to check, so we will be trying to check those final things again this week. Everything else was in good shape, so we are praying that these last two things check off well too!
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