Thursday, August 7, 2014

thursday three

Thursday is probably my favorite day of the week.

There's a logic behind it. (Sort of.)

--It's the first day past the middle of the week.
--They feel easy-going like Fridays, but they still call for some ounce of productivity. I like that middle to them - the perfect balance of "whew, this week is almost done" and feeling like you actually did something useful that day.
--Since transferreing to IUS, Thursdays are also the last day of my school week. No class on Fridays is the BOMB.
--Thursdays are green to me. And I like green. It's my second favorite color if I had to pick. (Do you guys associate days of the weeks with colors or is that just me?)
--And I love that Thursday nights can be restful, at home nights, or hang out nights since you can probably afford a little more tiredness at work on a Friday. 

So, on this Thursday I was thinking about three of my favorite moments so far this week.

1. Baseball 
Tuesday night I went to a Louisville Bats game with Samuel's family and mine! On Tuesdays they have hot dogs and cokes for a dollar a piece. We hadn't been to a game all summer. The last game that I went to was my senior year of high school when my choir sang the national anthem (#sentimental) and that's been more than two years ago. It was PERFECT weather and the Bats won!

2. Mamaws & Grandmas
Tuesday and Wednesday lunches were spent with my grandmothers. Those two women have invested so much in my life over the last 20 years. They're the only grandparents I have left and I treasure them tremendously. Lunch dates here and there don't even begin to size up to how much they have impacted me and loved me. Thankful for them both.

3.  Little cousins (who say funny things)
This kid has been my buddy basically since the day he was born. I have seen him grow, mature and turn into ALL boy. He has the softest heart with me. He stayed over one night this week for fun. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he and I actually share some favorite movies. (I'm not sure if that says more about him or me.) When I read off the names of the movies on my shelf and got a "YES!" from Meet the Robinsons and The Wizard of Oz I knew there was no denying we're related. 

Other funny things he did include calling me the "luckiest girl ever" when I showed him all of my board games, telling me "good morning, i love you!"first thing, watching him say hi to every single kid on the playground, and seeing the distress in his eyes when he came running back to our table at Chick-fil-a because there was a girl yelling in the play area who wouldn't listen to him. Nothing changes, kid.

Signing off on a great Thursday,
Em. xo

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