Saturday, July 19, 2014

you live and you (paint your room over again)

You know how in some situations you feel like you have to rewind a lot to help people understnad how you got to that point? Yeah. Well, last summer the Pinterest-aholic in me found a picture of a home with walls painted medium-dark gray and I just had to do that in my room. So I recruited a friend and we got to work! I even knew of other friends who were about to paint their walls the same color, which boosted my confidence and reassured my decision (for some ridiculous reason).

Before the gray, my walls were about as purple and you can get. If you had asked me then how I felt about the purple walls, I probably would have embarrassingly admitted that, yes, although I loooved the color, I was just ready for something more mature. And that's what I thought the gray would be. 

Maybe in another room or another layout, this color would have been the perfect shade of "mature" that I was trying to achieve, but in a small-ish bedroom with purple carpet and just one window for natural light, it was less mature and more depressing haha. I could barely stand to do my hair and make up in my own room for the past year. Every textbook I opened had a horrible glare on the pages. I laughed in the face of trying to take pictures in my room that turned out decent and had enough lighting. Oh, and you can forget trying to catch a fly in your room at night - instant camouflage. 

I could go on and on. 

But, I won't because this post isn't meant to be as dark and depressing as the paint on my walls has been (thank goodness). 

Last Saturday Samuel helped me prime it white, and on Tuesday my cousin will be coming to help me....I will end up painting the rest of the room myself and finishing it late Thursday night.

It was painted a happy shade of creme. Hallelujah. I let my mom pick whatever color she wanted it to be (forever) because I sure don't plan on painting this room again if I don't have to. ;) 

These pictures don't do it justice, but you can tell they didn't turn out great anyways. Even the finish on this paint has bothered me. Just bad.

The decorating isn't finished and it's not completely returned to it's former organization, but here's what I ended up with. I lovelovelovelove it!

So happy to have a happy room.

What's your worst painting fiasco? 

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