Friday, February 23, 2018
I can't read in silence. I'm one of those people that needs noise to make me tune my mind to what I'm reading. Not only does it help me focus, but it has always been how I enjoyed to read most. I can remember this being true all the way back to high school and especially in college. I would listen to my iPod with headphones whenever I had to study at school or in the super quiet library. Another one of my favorite things to do is to listen to music when I read on road trips. Just thinking about reading with my headphones in the warm car makes me want to travel right now. ;) It's always been the best way for me to enjoy reading even more.
It has even been so true that I have a couple of albums I associate directly with books I was reading when I listened for the first time. Isn't that funny?! Is anyone else like this too or is my mind just so music associative? I remember listening to the new (at the time) Adele album as I was reading Water for Elephants. I was flying to Florida with my parents and sister for vacation and now whenever I hear that album it always makes me think of that book, those sandy beaches, and the sunny balcony I spent so much time reading on during our summer vacation.
If you are like me when it comes to reading with music, yay I'm not alone in this! And this post is especially for you. If you think I'm weird and crazy and could never imagine reading AND listening to music at the same time, first of all, try it sometime and second of all, this playlist is still for you. Today I'm sharing the Spotify playlist I recently made for doing my Bible reading plan, and even if you don't want to listen while you read, these are songs you'll still want to add to your Jesus music repertoire. It's not a finished list in the least, but I've been loving it so far this year.
Just to name a few of the artists on the playlist:
Sovereign Grace Music
Audrey Assad
Bart Millard
Andrew Peterson
Shane & Shane
Some of my top favorites you will hear are "All Creatures of Our God and King," "All Glory Be to Christ," "O Praise the Name," "Prayer," and "Grace That Is Greater." So if nothing else, listen to those first.
This playlist will continue to grow and change throughout the year I'm sure. I would love to know your favorites right now too, so please drop them below in the comments.
Happy reading AND listening! 😊
Saturday, February 17, 2018
I have made homemade pizzas in the past that were just average. Too much plain-tasting sauce. The crust was soggy in the middle. Not a whole lot of flavor. But THIS pizza was way way tastier and so easy, and definitely not average! My husband (who is a big pizza l o v e r) could not stop raving about my homemade pizza on Friday night. That's the best feeling as a wife!! And I do have to admit, I was really surprised myself because I have always been a canned pizza crust kind of girl but this was BETTER.
What was so different about this pizza, you ask?
The first thing we loved more about this pizza was the dough! 1) You don't need yeast!!! (so many praise hands), 2) it was fluffy and fully baked in the middle, 3) golden crispy on the bottom (not burnt or white/underbaked), and 4) it didn't taste like flavorless cardboard (as homemade dough sometimes does). Also, you don't have to pre-bake the dough before putting toppings on which is just another plus.
The second thing we loved was the sauce and it was so simple to put together. It was the most delicious, flavorful companion to that perfect dough. Here's how to make it!
1 jar of marinara sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1. Bring all ingredients to a simmer in a sauce pan.
Note: I actually had about 1/4 cup of sauce left over that I didn't put on the pizza. My husband likes to have a marinara dipping sauce so it worked perfectly to have some left over! Just use your own judgement on whether to use it all or not based on the size of your pizza - be generous with covering the dough minus about 1 inch around the edges, but as a general rule less is more here.
2 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup milk (plus 2 tbsp more if your dough seems too dry to combine)
1/4 cup room temp/softened unsalted butter
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Prepare baking sheet or pizza pan with nonstick spray.
2. Combine all dough ingredients in a bowl and mix until dough ball forms. I like to use my hands to crumble up the butter into pea-sized crumbles of butter + dough. (This is something I learned from my mother-in-law when making homemade biscuits. ;)
3. Roll dough ball out onto a floured surface with a rolling pin. This dough can be quite sticky at first! I rolled mine to be about 1/4 inch thick. (I didn't have the prettiest edges on this pizza, but I'll make that better next time!)
4. Move dough onto prepared baking sheet or pizza pan. Now it's time to add your pizza sauce, cheese, and toppings.
*For toppings I used my homemade pizza sauce, a blend of Mexican and mozzarella shredded cheese, diced onions, green peppers, and pepperonis.*
5. Bake for 15 minutes until underneath dough is golden brown.
And that's it! This recipe has officially been added to our favorites list and I can't wait to try it with other toppings. Stock up on your favorite pizza toppings and get this pizza cooking on your next Friday night, guys. You won't be disappointed!
Thursday, February 1, 2018
V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y is just around the corner! Whether you like Valentine's Day or not, you have to admit the decorations are kinda the cutest there ever was when it comes to holiday decor. Am I right? I don't usually decorate our house for Valentine's Day, but this year I figured we should make a lil somethin' because Chicago Januarys are like 753 days long, and I needed some Valentine's Day cheer in my life.
If your kid is like mine, painting is fun for maybe 10 minutes max and then it either turns into a complete MESS or they are just over it. So I was trying to think of something that let him get a teeny tiny bit messy, but in a quick and contained way. This craft was exactly that and you DON'T have to be a super crafty mama to have this turn out adorable. And I bet you have all of the supplies already at home! It ended up being soo simple and GREAT for decorating, and I am excited to share this easy Valentine's Day garland with you all!
First, I cut heart shapes of various sizes and colors out of construction paper.
I tried two different painting methods. The first was the "no mess finger painting" with a ziplock bag. It was kind of a fail for us. Maybe I didn't put enough paint, but it didn't spread well. Then when I went to take the construction paper out of the bag, the paper stuck and tore slightly. It was still salvageable, but it was not my favorite method.
The other method was good ole paint brush and/or fingers. I used a piece of rolled up tape to hold the heart onto his tray and let him at it. YES, it was definitely more messy than this first picture I snapped so don't be fooled. 😂 This method ended up being way more fun for Charlie to do and, in my opinion, looked more artistic. But I would still suggest that you try both methods to see what works best for your little one.
The beautiful thing about this craft is that you don't even have to do paint. You can use stickers from the dollar store, glitter, pom poms, or glue smaller heart shapes to the big heart shapes. This craft is totally customizable to what you have on hand.
Once all of our painted hearts had dried, I used tape to hang them on a piece of twine, and ta dah! Our very own homemade Valentine's Day garland!

If your kid is like mine, painting is fun for maybe 10 minutes max and then it either turns into a complete MESS or they are just over it. So I was trying to think of something that let him get a teeny tiny bit messy, but in a quick and contained way. This craft was exactly that and you DON'T have to be a super crafty mama to have this turn out adorable. And I bet you have all of the supplies already at home! It ended up being soo simple and GREAT for decorating, and I am excited to share this easy Valentine's Day garland with you all!
First, I cut heart shapes of various sizes and colors out of construction paper.
I tried two different painting methods. The first was the "no mess finger painting" with a ziplock bag. It was kind of a fail for us. Maybe I didn't put enough paint, but it didn't spread well. Then when I went to take the construction paper out of the bag, the paper stuck and tore slightly. It was still salvageable, but it was not my favorite method.
The beautiful thing about this craft is that you don't even have to do paint. You can use stickers from the dollar store, glitter, pom poms, or glue smaller heart shapes to the big heart shapes. This craft is totally customizable to what you have on hand.
Once all of our painted hearts had dried, I used tape to hang them on a piece of twine, and ta dah! Our very own homemade Valentine's Day garland!
If you make this with your kiddos, I would love to see how it turned out! You can tag me in it or send it to me via Instagram (Username @emilyjamesy).
Happy Valentine's Day friends!
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