Tonight it is March 16, 2015. As I tried to remember how to even get to my drafts, I rediscovered this post I typed at the beginning of the year with full intentions to post! I wrote an entire post and didn't post it. Doh.
So here it is, unedited, and ready to catch you up on my first of the year thoughts (I know it's almost April already).
It feels weird typing 2015.
Does it feel weird saying that in your head too?
Last year was one of big changes. Some happy, some not so happy.
In January my church life really changed. My best friend/boyfriend of two+ years, his family (some of my lifelong friends and mentors), and his father (our pastor) transitioned away from our church family. When you get used to worshipping with certain people over a 10 year period, it is a harder adjustment than you would imagine. Even though I continued to see some of these people outside of the church interactions that had come to an end, the week seemed less grounded without our Sunday mornings together. I'll admit that at first, I had to swallow feelings of guilt over how much this really affected me. True, some special people left, but my immediate family was still with me. Shouldn't that be enough? Does our not worshipping together anymore change who God is? Does my discomfort mean that I am not finding my joy in the Lord first and foremost? I questioned where my heart lied. I was bitter about it being so hard. I was upset that what I had known for my whole life wasn't the same anymore. Honestly, it felt like someone had died and no one around me wanted to talk about it.
But the Lord, over the next few months, reminded me of the Truth. First- His will is the ultimate good. Good doesn't mean comfortable. Good doesn't mean easy. Good doesn't mean convenient. Good doesn't always mean enjoyable or preferred, either. But it does mean right and pleasing to Him. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
He also reminded me that the closeness that develops with church membership and fellowship is a healthy thing. I didn't need to feel guilty about being sad that some of the church body I had known for many years had left. We are called to grow with and worship with other believers and it's totally normal and okay to be a little sad when that fellowship changes.
And then I started this blog in April! I think that deserves mentioning. :)
Some of the better experiences of the year were the trips I took. First there was New England!! I road tripped to Cape Cod with Boyfriend's family for a big week of firsts: first time in Cape Cod, Plymouth, New York City!!, and my friend-since-age-eleven's engagement. Then my family went to Indian Shores, Florida. Oh my relaxation.
Later in 2014 my grandma moved into assisted living. Do I really need to say why this was hard? Moving a grandparent is physically, mentally, and emotionally tiresome. It just is. Things were going alright at first, but after getting a UTI (which, if you're not aware, is highly dangerous and seriously altering for elderly people) she then had to be moved into a full on memory care unit. Two moves later, she is where she is currently, and her house still sits full of boxes and furniture waiting to be dealt with.
In August, I turned the big 2-0 and started my first semester of the School of Education! This semester confirmed that 1) hard work will pay off and 2) I totally and completely love my major. I am so thankful that the Lord put elementary education on my heart. It is the most rewarding and fun thing you could possibly spend your college degree on.
I also opened an Etsy shop in August of last year! It has stretched and challenged me way more than I thought it would. It has made me go out of my comfort zone and work purposefully. And it has been a great side thing to be able to do while still in college. I hope to be able to invest in it more in the years to come! I have loved painting canvases for several years now and it is such a good feeling to be able to give my creations to others through Etsy. Check it out here:
And then. The biggest and most surprising part of my 2014 came on a Saturday afternoon in October when Boyfriend and I took a trip to Huber's Orchard in Indiana. The love of my life got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. (!!!!!) (You can read more about that here) The day was perfect. He planned it all out: first we had a "couple's photoshoot" at Huber's Orchard, in which he sweetly proposed, and then our families met up to celebrate with us at The Spaghetti Factory. Major props to him for making sure that a photographer (who happens to be one of my sweet friends) was there to capture the whole thing. I can't imagine spending my life without him beside me, and we are so excited to get married on May 30th of 2015!
Random fun/funny thing that happened this year: Ugly Betty. That's so 2007, I know. And you may not think this is deserving of a mention in my 2014 recap, but it does. Especially since I managed to hook two other friends on it too. *insert muscle arm emoji here* Check it out of Netflix if you like good shows. ;p
Bring it on, 2015. I've been waiting for you!
I feel like that was so TimeHop App in real life. I could probably blame being in school or planning a wedding while doing it for why I haven't blogged in a while. But actually...yep, I'm going to do just that. But I promise this blog isn't over yet!
With 75 more days until the wedding, and a whole new grand adventure ahead of me, I will surely return. Even if it is in three months or more. ;)
See you soon,